Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I made a Book!!!!

And I am actually pretty proud of it. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to do one collection or one thousand so I decided on four. This book is now available as softcover or hardback on www.blurb.com. Here is the direct link:


Buy my book please!!! I promise you won't regret it.

Monday, November 29, 2010


So I seem to still be on this whole glow stick kick. For this weeks assignment we were allowed to shoot whatever we wanted or re-do a project. I wanted to re-do my painting with light and of course I wanted to play more with glow sticks. I also wanted to experiment with the human figure. I originally intended on just doing the male nude but after a few photos I decided I wanted to compare it with the female figure. And the only female I had was myself....good times. Hahah. This is my first time shooting myself completely nude and I kind of liked it. The result not the being nude part. Anywho, these photos are all 30 second exposures on my Nikon D5000 with a Aperture of F16. Enjoy!! And I would love a little feedback if you have some! The second image is actually two images I combined together in Photoshop then edited further in Lightroom 3.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Unexpected Light!

So this is an assignment that I intended on working out one way but it totally surprised me. I had never done long exposure or night photography before so I really wanted to mess around with night street photography. Alas, I was stuck on my couch all day Sunday due to sickness so I was forced to do my shoot at home. I had these glow sticks my mom got me for Halloween and have been wanting to mess around with them for a while. Surprisingly, I am in love with this project and might actually extend it. I have a new found love for long exposures and glow sticks!
All of these images are digitally shot with my Nikon D5000 with 5-15 second exposures.© Felicia Puff
©Felicia Puff
©Felicia Puff
© Felicia Puff

Getting a Little Behind

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. This semester is proving to be insanely busy and of course full of sickness for me. I've had a few projects for David Graham's class that I've actually liked a bit. This first one is "Evidence of my Existence"

All shot digitally with my Nikon D5000.

All images ©Felicia Puff