Sunday, March 20, 2011

Somehow managed a decent photo

Despite everything else going down-hill today I somehow managed to get a good photo out of the shoot I had yesterday. I based my idea off of a Man Ray photograph. I wanted to use the complete blackness to abstract the body even more. I shot this with two photopro grid spots and an octobox with my Nikon D5000. Enjoy!

©Felicia Puff

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Studio Re-edit

So a few weeks ago we had an assignment to create a portrait with dramatic lighting. I created one that received a mass amount of criticism so when we were assigned a project to re-edit one of our previous projects I decided to challenge myself with this photo. I am pretty happy about the outcome. Enjoy!

©Felicia Puff

First Image:

Re-Edited Image: