Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Promo Shots!

So I've been trying to branch out in my photography a little bit and get more experience in basic commercial photography.  Emily Diehl, a local opera singer, approached me about some promo shots and this is what we came up with.  Enjoy!

©Felicia Puff 2012

On Location Shooting

For my professional practices class with Barbara Proud we had an assignment where we had to photograph a professional in their environment.  The people ranged from realtors to gallery owners.  I photographed the amazing Chris Martino, the owner of The Wishing Well in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Wishing Well is a great small bar located in the Italian Market on the corner of 9th and Catherine. Visit their website at the link below to check out their food and drink specials! Enjoy!
The Wishing Well

©Felicia Puff 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


So I've been working more with food photography.  I still have a lot to learn but a shoot I did from last week for Bridget Foy's turned out pretty well.  Check them out and let me know what you think!
©Felicia Puff 2012

More Thesis

So I finally got the chance to shoot a little more for my thesis.  With this shoot I was trying to focus on having the whole form from head to toe in the frame as well as not centering the subject.  I still have a long way to go but let me know what you think!
©Felicia Puff 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

More Glowing Work

These were shot a few months ago but I got a little backed up with work and winter break.  I'm planning on using baby oil on the models to bring in some more detail in the darker areas of the form.  Any other suggestions on what to use?  Feel free to send me a message if you have ideas!

All images ©Felicia Puff

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Bridget Foy's Food

This summer I was approached by Bridget Foy's to do some food shots of their summer menu.  Here are a few of them.  These were all shot using natural light.  Enjoy!
Check out their more recent menus at 
All images ©Felicia Puff